Maine hospitals are facing shortages in the availability of qualified staff. These shortages are particularly acute with respect to clinical staff, where the aging of the workforce and the increased statewide competition for staff have significantly challenged hospitals in their efforts to recruit and retain qualified, experienced healthcare professionals. This problem is exacerbated as hospitals strive to ensure that quality care is delivered in a time of enormous change. MHA is working to identify and address the nature and the severity of these staffing shortages, and to develop a concrete, targeted response to assist its members to react positively to these challenges.
Many of the resources on the right are from the Maine Healthcare Workforce Initiative. The goal of the Maine Healthcare Workforce initiative developed by the Maine Department of Labor (DOL) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is to strengthen and grow Maine’s healthcare workforce to ensure a resilient and robust system of care across the state. The funding is directed to help healthcare and human service employers recruit talent, grow their skills, and retain them over time. Initiatives – and funding – are inclusive of Behavioral, Physical, Dental, and Emergency health providers as well as Home & Community Based Service providers. The information on the right provides direct links to the resources.