Mandated staffing ratios may not solve the complex issues facing hospitals and nurses (Bangor Daily News, May 15, 2023) " At a time when Maine already has a nursing shortage, we are concerned this bill would make the situation worse without addressing the underlying causes of worsening conditions in hospitals in Maine, and across the country. This could mean that hospitals would have to close units and deny care if they couldn’t hire enough nurses to meet the mandates in LD 1639."
Margaret McRae: LD 1639 is a bad move for patients and nurses (Sun Journal, May 24,2023) "LD 1639 removes nurse autonomy to make the necessary decisions to provide safe, effective, quality care. It essentially reduces every patient and every nurse to just a number by mandating nurse-to-patient ratios. These ratios are not evidenced-based and do not take into account the patient as an individual."
Steve Jorgensen, Patricia Scherle, Steve Littleson and Kris Chaisson: Nurse staffing bill threatens access to health care (Sun Journal, June 8, 2023) : "Despite our aggressive efforts to hire more nurses — including offering free education and recruiting nurses from across the globe — Maine, like the rest of the nation, does not have enough nurses to meet our needs."